Seven primordial spirits in God

These seven primordial spirits in God is the Core principle that Lion Roaring has adopted in order to pursue perfected love in our soul and become like Christ. And the ultimate goal in Lion Roaring is to be able to bring Heaven on Earth.
These seven primodial spirits in God is the Core principle that Lion Roaring has adopted to pursue perfected love in our soul and become like Christ. The goal in Lion Roaring is to be able to bring Heaven on Earth.

  1. The first spirit in God is love. It can be found in all creation since without it nothing is possible. (Reference: I John 4:8,16).
  2. The second spirit is wisdom as the light emanates or spreads out from love. This is seen in the form of every being; since the more a being is receptive to light, the more developed, defined, and beautiful will it be. (Reference: Job 12:13, Prov 4:7, 8:1, Ecc 7:19, 1 Cor 1:21, 1 Cor 3:19, James 3:17)
  3. The third spirit arises out of love and wisdom is the effective will of God. Thoughts or ideas arise, and they become reality. Otherwise, all thoughts and ideas of God would never be put into action. (Reference: 2 Cor 8:5, 1 Pet 2:15, 1 Pet 4:2,19)
  4. The fourth spirit originates from the three Spirits is called order. Without order, a being has no permanent and stable form and therefore cannot reach a certain destiny. If an ox is placed in front of a plough and changes its form and shape to that of a fish or a bird, it will never achieve its goal. (Reference: Gen 7:3, Num 4:37, Josh 1:18, 2 Chron 25:5.)
  5. The fifth spirit of God is called divine earnestness. Without it, no existing thing would be possible since it is equal to the eternal truth in God. It provides all beings with continuity, reproduction, and prospering, leading to ultimate perfection. (Reference Job 8:7-9, Gen 1:22, 8:17, Eze 36:10, 11, Amos 5:4, Psalm 119:2)
  6. The sixth spirit is patience and must also be present since without it everything would become rushed and result in complete chaos of old wise men.  Patience is the mother of the eternal unchanging mercy of God. Thus, if this sixth spirit is not in God, then, what would all the creatures be in relation to the almighty God? (Reference: Pro 15:18, Rom 12:12, Eph 4:2, Col 1:11, Jam 5:8, 2 Pet 3:9)
  7. The seventh spirit in God is mercy, also called gentleness. (Reference: Psalm 103:11, Hos 6:6, Mat 5:7, Deut 30:3, Rom 9:18. Eph 2:4.) This makes everything right. It puts in order all the preceding spirits and results in the timely maturity of the world and its creatures for everything has a certain time, and the mature spirits can therefore easily reach full redemption and enter into their eternal freedom and fullest independent life. This seventh spirit in God caused God Himself to come into flesh to redeem us.

Jesus said “These are the seven spirits which you did not understand, and everything that has been created out of the seven spirits of God. And the eternal continuous creation (Genesis 1, Eph 3:19, 1 Cor 15:28).”

Seven powers of Human Jurisdiction

  1. Power of manifestation from invisible realm to physical realm.
  2. Power for procreation
  3. Power of human body and nutrition
  4. Power of choice
  5. Power of who you marry
  6. Power of what you become
  7. Power of longevity

“These are the power within your human jurisdiction. He will not do any of this seven, but He provides away.” - John Anosike

 Mathew 25:32-33 “And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.”

Mathew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.”  The gospel of saving soul is not suffice, it’s the gospel of the kingdom must get out. “The Gospel of the kingdom means the message of His Lordship over everything must be followed by a demonstration of His Lordship over everything. He doesn’t just want souls; He is coming to enforce His rule over all creation.” - Johnny Enlow

God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.

Our Values

The success of the Lion Roaring in achieving its mission outcomes is grounded on Lion Roaring values:                

  1. We restore people to develop their intimacy with the Lord Jesus through Lion Roaring training, education, and mentorship.
  2. We use innovation to restore and perform excellence and help guide the leadership council in making decisions.
  3. We use heavenly wisdom to guide our choices to bring the Lion Roaring vision in various villages, communities, and countries.
  4. We focus our activities that are directed by Lion Roaring Office of Christ leader(s) through management of God's natural resources (order).
  5. We engage in meaningful collaboration, engagement, and partnerships with God’s Holy people.

Rules of Behavior

  1. Focus on others and love them as you love yourselves.
  2. Obedience to God and to the Lion Roaring Leadership council.
  3. Be a witness and bear fruit by creating heavenly attributes.

Oath of Office

  1. To be faithful, and to fear God above many.
  2. To restore our home, communities, cities back to God’s law (Supreme law) and Common Law. Restore to become self-government that based on God’s law.
  3. To create a heavenly culture and its attributes on earth within Lion Roaring communities. This will help impact communities through its culture.

Business Model

Our Lion Roaring Business Model will follow Joseph’s example in the book Genesis 47:20-26. Lion Roaring will buy many of the assets during difficult times based on God’s direction only. In turn, it will restore villages, cities, states, and countries by providing people with a place to work and produce natural resources based on the seven lines of businesses. Twenty percent of the revenue will be given back to Lion Roaring for the next seven years.

The people give back twenty percent to Lion Roaring of which 10% goes to the local Pastor and 10% to the Lion Roaring Ministry locally. The people keep 80% for living.