Sanny Subowo’s professional journey began about 3 decades ago right after he attained his third master’s degree in computer science. Experienced in the IT industry in the Federal and Commercial space, Sanny worked on various technical and project management tasks, involving database integration technologies on multiple platforms. He developed a diverse technical background while working for Enterprise System Solutions, and he has a proven ability to implement technologies to maximize performance. His spiritual journey began at a young age when a family friend introduced him to Christianity. Not long after that, he was baptized (sprinkling of water) in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. As a teenager, he went through a confession of faith in front of the church congregation as part of church doctrine. After becoming an adult and joining a non-denomination church, Sanny was re-baptized by being immersed in the water. The baptism signifies the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As Sanny’s spiritual maturity grew, he was actively involved in various ministries for several years. He assisted with the media ministry that was responsible for preparing worship songs and running the power point slide presentations during Sunday services. He was also part of the ESL ministry, and he led the teaching of basic computer skills and MS word & excel. He was a member of the men’s ministry, and together with other brothers in Christ did door-to-door neighborhood visits to introduce the Gospel. Sanny’s hunger and seriousness to know and to learn more about the Gospel started after returned from his pilgrimage to Israel in October 2018. Thereafter, he developed an intimate relationship with the Lord by regularly reading and studying the word. A turning point came about after attending the USA Prophetic Convention in 2019 – God’s Word for America. He experienced worship in the spirit to the living God, which was like worship in heaven. The teaching prophets Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and Dr. Steven Francis opened his heart, soul, and mind to a deeper understanding of the word. This is vitally important because it is a preparation for and a prerequisite to receive personal revelation from the Lord. In 2020, with the blessing from his pastor, he decided to leave his church to join JMK MD to pursue in depth teaching and to become a more mature Christian. The verse that resonates profoundly to Sanny is Matthew 6:33 – seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you. Moreover, Jeremiah 29:13 says “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart”. The Lord has put the following commandments upon Sanny’s heart: • Love the Lord our God and love the people around him. • Share the word and give support to others. Much can be said about one’s expression after attaining Godly knowledge and support from His followers through His word and blessings. It is priceless.