Lystia Santosa has over 35 years of experience working in the financial and accounting field for International Non-profit Organizations. She has held various positions during her career such as an auditor for a CPA Firm auditing the Federal Government Grant Programs, a Field Office Project Accountant and Senior Accountant, Accounting Manager, Controller, and then a Director of Finance position. Although Lystia obtained her CPA (Certified Public Accountant) early in her career, she decided not to pursue a career in the Public Accounting but to devote her career working for an international non-profit organization working with the third world countries. It was her passion to work in an organization in which the primary mission and the vision were to help people in Third World countries to improve their standard of living. Prior to her retirement in 2019, she held a position as the Director of Finance (CFO) working for the largest U.S. based international worker rights organization. She helped facilitate the organization’s mission of helping workers attain safe and healthy workplaces, while promoting worker’s equality. She also helped improve workers’ standard of living with education and collective agreement, and by helping fight discrimination, and by pr eventing the exploitation of systems that entrench poverty. Her 30 plus years’ experience working with this organization gave her solid and broad mastery in all areas in financial management, financial affairs, budgeting, human resources and personnel policy and procedures. Furthermore, she developed expertise to ensure compliance with U.S. Federal Rules & regulations on grant awards, and how to effectively deal with the the organization’s funders (U.S. Government, foundation and international donors). She was responsible for the organization’s annual budget of about $32,000,000.00 and directed staff in the finance and accounting departments at the company’s headquarters, and approximately 30 filed offices. Additionally, she was a member of the Executive Team, and she worked closely with the CEO, COO and other Directors in the implementation of the organization’s vision and mission. Since retiring in 2019, Lystia has been volunteering her time in helping JMK Shelby, North Carolina church with their accounting and financial matters. She is also the elder for JMK Maryland church alongside her husband, Daud Santosa. During the pandemic, the Lord brought her into a more intimate relationship with Him and helped train her to study His words on a deeper level. This helped shift her priorities from working from a worldly employer to working for God’s Kingdom. She gave up her consulting work and completely devoted her time to studying and working alongside with husband, Daud Santosa in serving the JMK Maryland church.