Jasmine Goh has over 30 years of experience working in the financial accounting field with the primary focus of administering and managing personnel benefits for International Non-profit and private organizations. She has held various positions during her career as receivable and payable coordinator, accountant, payroll and benefits coordinator, controller, and then achieved a Director of Accounting position. She has devoted most of her career to working for an International Not-Profit organization. The organization supports and leverages the resources of international agricultural research establishments by providing centralized management of specialized global personnel functions to include payroll, employee benefits, risk management, and compliance to reduce administrative time and costs. The pooling of resources allows the member organizations to focus on their missions – achieving sustainable food security and reducing world poverty. For the past 10 years, Jasmine has held the position as Director of Accounting with this International Non-profit organization, resulting in wide-ranging knowledge in all areas of payroll dealing with international wire transfers to over 80 countries in various currencies, tax compliance, while allowing her to enhance her skills in the process. Furthermore, she manages the organization’s $12.3 million in benefits per month (approximately $147 million annually) and administers $667 million in retirement assets for over 2,000 international recruited staff members that work in over 80 countries in the world. Additionally, she is a member of the Executive Team that works closely with the President/CEO, Director of Finance, and the board members in the implementation of the organization’s vision and mission. In October 2018, Jamine had the opportunity to travel to the various biblical sites such as, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan. It was a life-changing experience for her. She experienced firsthand the locations where her Lord Jesus was born and baptized, and where he preached, performed miracles, and where he was crucified. Thereafter, she fervently sought her savior and came away with a deeper understanding of God’s kingdom and His will. She continued her pursuit by reading and listening to the teaching of the second coming of our Christ Jesus, and she has participated in online classes, seminars, and workshops. During the pandemic, by God’s grace, her senses were heightened an, and by enjoying God’s creation through nature. Her priority to spend more time with her Lord Jesus became even more focused despite holding a full-time job. In one of her pastor’s sermons, the pastor taught about being the best one could be in the work environment by operating as “Spiritual Intelligent Agent” for God’s kingdom. This message furnished confirmation and comfort and showed her she was in the season of her life where she should be and told her to be ready to be used as God calls her to work in His fields. Going forward, Jasmine wants to focus on Christ Jesus and run the race for HIs kingdom until the day we are called and seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrew 12:1-2 (NKJV) Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the [a]author and [b]finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. She became a member of JMK Maryland Church as of November 2020. She is currently assisting with the elders of JMK with various ministry projects.