Irene Subowo was born and raised in a Christian family in Indonesia until age 25 when she and her husband migrated to the United States of America. She gives tribute to her parents for instilling moral values and as the greatest influencers and role models for her life in serving the Lord. She began her ministry at a very young age as a church organist and as a Sunday School teacher in the Christian Orphanage. Later, she was appointed Director of Children and Youth Ministry at the church she attended in Indonesia. Irene studied Landscape Architecture and Management Information Systems and has 18 years’ experience in both fields. As a landscape designer in Indonesia, her professional assignment included landscape design, implementation, and maintenance of real estate and residential properties. After having worked with the largest grassroot non-profit organization in the nation, a leading voice on mental health, Irene switched professions to IT environment after migrating to the U.S. Thereafter, she oversaw a large multi database system that provided data support to help streamline membership and donor data from local and state affiliates. Later, she put her career on hold to devote more time to raising her two beloved children. In her previous church, Irene was part of the Women’s Ministry and served as the Hospitality Team Leader. Additionally, she managed many church events for 20 years. From 2000-2013, she was the Assistant Director of ESL Program, which served more than 75 students from many countries in twice weekly sessions. After patiently waiting for God’s direction and seeking his path for her life for seven years, Irene joined JMK Maryland in November 2020. She holds on tight to God’s words in Psalm 25:4-5 which drive her in seeking God’s wisdom in this new season of her life. “Make me know Thy ways O lord; Teach me in Thy paths, Lead me in Thy truth and teach me, for Thou art the God of my salvation; For Thee I wait all the day”. God has ignited the fire in Irene’s heart and aroused her hunger to serve Him more as she waits upon the Lord for further direction for the ministry that He calls her for. She believes that He who has begun making His desire as her own, He will confirm it and prepare it for His plan. It is all about Him, the grand Master of everything. She believes she has a high calling to run the race and finish the course God has uniquely designed for her. Now is Irene’s time to get even more excited about serving God wholeheartedly and to become everything God wants her to be. She is currently sitting as Board Member of Lion Roaring Ministry and serving JMK Maryland church.