Daud Santosa has over 35 years of experience as a transformation leader in the IT industry for establishing the corporate technology vision and leading all the aspects of the corporate technology deployment and development in both Government and Industry sectors. Responsibilites included transforming organization, people, and technologies to create new products and services. These new products and services, including modernization of infrastructures, helped establish new business services in the digital world, create new IT organizations which helped develop new cost models for Enterprise Data Inventory Strategy, Shared Services Centers, Cloud Computing services, and IT methodology. This led to a balance of score cards, performance metrics/Service Level Agreements, and business processes automation in areas of Financial, Human Resources, Acquisition, Law Enforcement, Telecommunications, Research Survey, and IT Hosting Services. Daud has held many different roles ranging from software engineer, Certified Distinguished Chief IT Lead, IT Executive, and Chief Technology Officer. He has managed and had oversight over the IT budget in millions/billions. The Lord transformed Daud in 2016 after undergoing and surviving his third brain surgery at the end of 2015. He began seeking the Lord in 2016 by waiting on God every day from 3:00 to 4:30 AM. He had many spiritual encounters through dreams and visions in 2016-2017. He saw Jesus’s face in the 3rd Dimension when he was on Mt. Sinai. He also attended the Open Heaven Prophetic Conference with Prophet Sadhu Selvaraj in 2017. Since then, his life has changed as he regularly walkiswith God. He continues to experience many visions, dreams, and revelations. The Lord has taught him over the past two years as a leader under JMK Maryland (a branch of Jesus My King Church, Shelby, North Carolina) to prepare his congregation to become a wise Sower with Kingship and Priesthood anointing. Alos, during this time, he received the strategy of Lion Roaring (Kingship Authority) and established JMK Maryland (Priesthood authority) through divine intervention of the Holy Spirit as he connected with Pastor Michael Widjaya and Dr. Steven Francis. This is God’s destiny as revealed to Daud and his wife; that is to establish Kingship and Priesthood authority where Heaven is brought on earth with the office of Christ, which is the office of the everlasting Kingdom of Light. Currently, he is the elder of JMK Maryland that helps that facilitate Lion Roaring teachings on Spiritual and Leadership Development by helping to restore one person, group, community, and nation at the time as the Lord directs him.