This is the story behind this logo. When I encountered the Lord Jesus in 2017, I saw in the vision when I was lying in the stone in Mt. Sinai. I saw the face of the Lord Jesus just like the man in this picture. His eyes were blue but the hair was a dark color and expanded beyond this picture. I choose this picture from the little girl name : Akiane Kramarik. See her bio: Her painting is the closest to the face that I saw on Mt. Sinai. God will raise up His people to have these four different faces as shown in the logo. The face of a Man signifies God’s King and priest. God created man in His image and His likeness. This man has thus united with Christ and has the character of Christ. He is no longer of the mindset of “I live in me” but Christ lives in me. This man, with character quality of eagle, Lion, and Ox, will rule the earth. God continues to create and He will restore man, like God, to reign the earth.

The Face of Lion signifies Authority, Strength and Power. The character of lion demonstrates tremendous strength, very strong in the spirit by abiding in God. The lion does not budge, he stands strong, no matter what happens around him. The lion anointing exhibits boldness and territorial protection, it protects its territory from the darkness.

The face of Eagle signifies the eagle soaring during a thunderstorm. During the darkness days, people of God who have been given the eagle’s anointing will soar high with the Holy Spirit to navigate through the darkness. The eagle has incredible sight. It has two sets of eye lids. The manifested Christian eagle has the ability to see in different views, or the ability to see things that other do not see. These individuals will be able to see and move in the realm of the spirit, not flesh.

The face of an Ox signifies with the characteristic of hard work. Our logo the Ox appeared as flame that came out from these three characters. This fire signifies the Holy Spirit power for those remnants who has the character of Christ, Eagle and Lion will serve His kingdom in this last day ministry. The ox for ploughs, hauls, and performs manual labor. The is the beast of work and burden. The work of the Lord has to be done. In 2 Cor 6:1 “As God's fellow-workers we also urge you not to receive his grace and then do nothing with it.” We will labor together with God. The ox has to work. Its function is labor and to serve, working for God. There are two levels here; the first level is where we begin by learning to be workers for God. The second level is where we learn to Minister with God (partner). 2 Cor 6:1, 1 Cor 3:9. It means we labor together with God. Working with God! (as a partner).